Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunset to night in Kansas City

When it's 70 degrees in November in the Midwest - it's a good day. I haven't been outside this much ever - not even summer. At this moment - why write about myself when fall colors and foliage are so much more interesting. I'll let the images speak for themselves...

I call this: sunset in Johnson County - can you see the SUV's?

The elusive dog strikes again...

I miss my sister Shelley and I can't wait until she comes home this Thanksgiving. It's going to be like old times - except I'll be posting photos of all the embarrassing crap we do on this blog (probably without her consent). My brother's coming home from Afghanistan for two weeks - I haven't seen him in eight months. For the sake of the family - I'm going to try and craft some sort of pseudo-healthy menu. If anyone has any recipes or tips for me, please write in.

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